
423-Heavy Duty Composite Hose


423-Heavy Duty Composite Hose

423-Heavy Duty Composite Hose

Flexible composite hoses for petroleum products, due to their importance in various gas and oil industries, have a longer lifespan than other industrial hoses, including rubber.
Kavandegan Kavir Sabz Company is the main manufacturer of these hoses in the country, has the best engineering and consulting team to offer the best choice for companies with the latest engineering knowledge and science in the world. It should be noted that all hoses produced by this company are based on current world standards.

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423-Heavy Duty Composite Hose

Oil Road Tanker & Petrol

Composite hoses; First, we will give a brief definition of composite, which consists of several different layers, each of which has its own properties. Composites are very important in industry and science today and have always been used in sensitive industries, and for this reason it is enough that we have used composites in the manufacture of these hoses.
Kavandegan Kavir Sabz composite hoses are composed of several layers with different properties, each of which is based on the company’s up-to-date knowledge and science and also in accordance with the highest international standards in this field, and these layers are made of internal and external metal wires. Composed with quality, the formation of these materials and layers together has led to the use of composite hoses by Kavir Sabz Green in the upstream and other industries.
Composite hoses with code 423 for the use of petroleum products and the function of the production style of Kavandegan Kavir Sabz Company, designed for hydrocarbons, including furnace oil, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricating oils, paraffin and 100% aromatic products, etc. Is oil.
Flexible composite hoses with code 423, which is approved by Kavandegan Company for the mentioned uses, in addition to complying with all modern standards, are able to compete with all foreign models and may be of much higher quality in most products than other companies. Foreign companies are famous in the world.
Kavandegan Kavir Sabz Company is a large manufacturer in the field of composite hoses in the country and can produce and design these types of hoses in different layers and conditions depending on the customer’s needs. Therefore, the ability to move materials And the layers used in these hoses will always have the range of international standards such as BS EN13765 and optimal working conditions.
Flexible composite hoses for petroleum products, due to their importance in various gas and oil industries, have a longer lifespan than other industrial hoses, including rubber.
Kavandegan Kavir Sabz Company is the main manufacturer of these hoses in the country, has the best engineering and consulting team to offer the best choice for companies with the latest engineering knowledge and science in the world. It should be noted that all hoses produced by this company are based on current world standards.


Suitable for heavy naval operations.

Hose structure:

Inner layer: Polypropylene

Outer layer: PVC Coated Polyester fabric

Internal wire: Galvanized Steel

External wire: Galvanized Steel



BS EN 13765: 2018



1″ UP TO 12″


-20°C TO + 80°C


-20°C TO + 80°C


0.9 BAR




Additional information

Min Temp


Wire's Material


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